Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Watch Watch Wal-Mart Watch

Wal-Mart’s policies and business practices have always been under the scanner. They haven’t found many supporters in labor unions, religious groups, environmental organizations etc. Areas of concern include the corporation's extensive foreign product sourcing, treatment of employees and product suppliers, environmental practices, the use of public subsidies, the impact of stores on the local economies of towns in which they operate, and the company's security policies.

In 2005, labor unions created several organizations to confront these issues, including Wake Up Wal-Mart (United Food and Commercial Workers) and Wal-Mart Watch (Service Employees International Union). Now there is a website called “watching Wal-Mart watch” to well, watch Wal-Mart watch. This blog is my attempt to watch ‘watch Wal-Mart watch’. So I might not actually end up watching ‘watching Wal-Mart watch’ but it was funny as hell typing watch watch Wal-Mart watch. MS Word almost blew up on me. I love irritating MS word. Sigh. Now we sit back and – you guessed it – watch.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Get a divorce!

Have you noticed that in this world of marketing and advertising, people will do anything to get noticed. When I first read this, I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry. The obvious thing to say would be on the lines of ‘lawyers have no scruples’, ‘the trouble with law is lawyers’ etc. But when you think about it, is that line really out of line? I have heard of people getting a divorce because of their pets! Here is what I see in the ad – Life is too short (which is true), so don’t put up with crap you don’t have to (Hey, that’s an option!). Get a divorce. And now that you have decided to get one, here are our (conveniently placed) numbers. Call us (since we were the ones who put that idea in your head anyway. And heck this is our billboard you are reading). And in case you are still undecided, here are some pics of perfectly chiseled half naked people. Why go home to the fat and cellulite when you could not be going to these chiseled bodies?

Or maybe there is this satisfied marketing exec going, “Ha! Made you look!” Ah well, life is too short.