Wednesday, March 14, 2007

JAWS - Snack Attack

Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are. - Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (French Lawyer, Politician and Writer, 1755-1826)
Aren’t midnight snacks fun? I generally tend to pick the sweetest, fattiest, greasiest, cheesiest, most unhealthy snack possible. Come midnight, and I think I like to “weigh” my options more carefully than I would normally do. Ice cream/Pizza is good. Anything loaded with saturated fat and a million calories is better. Question to ponder about while finishing your bag-o-chips: When exactly did food stop being food and become “calories”?

Anyway, I used to get pretty creative and adventurous around midnight. The spicy French toast (is it still French?) was invented one such night. In recent times though I have tended to give into the microwaveable quick fixes – the only problem being, they aren't unhealthy enough. As I ‘grow’ into my recliner with a built-in crapper and get more comfortable by the day, I can only thank the wonderful people at Pepsico Inc. for making my life easier. Enter any supermarket, grocery store, gas station or a general hospital and the choices I have are mind-boggling. I am like a kid lost in a Frito-Lay store. Not only do I have a thousand different varieties of chips to choose from, I have hundreds of dips and salsas to go with them. What I admire about Frito-Lay is that not only do they make great products (Cheetos – my personal favorite), but they also have a great sense of humor. Every bag has “nutritional” information at the back and they have recommended “serving sizes” which if you take seriously would mean you could have 3 chips a week. Hilarious.

On a side note - what's the deal with opening a near empty refrigerator in the middle of the night and generally staring blankly for a few minutes expecting food to magically appear out of nowhere?

Losing my chain of thought... Gotta eat... Lift… arm... to… open… bag…