Monday, February 19, 2007

We shave our head.

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." Albert Einstein

To her credit, Britney Spears is a decent singer (I think she is. Although I can’t really say in this techno world where everybody sounds the same) who has given us a few hits. But to call her the ‘America’s youth icon’ etc is stretching it a bit. But for some reason everything she does is news. To my utter amazement CNN has a front page article screaming “Britney goes bald.” Like we care - I thought. While the world is struggling with issues like global warming, bearded terrorists and Virendra Sehwag’s form, we have all the newspapers in the world talking about (of all things) Britneys hair or rather the lack of it.
However, today I saw another “hair raising” piece on the web which made me rethink the existence of the human brain. So while the world’s (read America’s) obsession with Britney continues, I quietly think: Human stupidity has scaled new heights. But who is stupid? Is it Britney who can’t seem to control her life? Is it the media who wastes time, resources, personnel, valuable printing space publishing this crap? Maybe not. The media can only print crap as long as people read it… Then maybe it’s the masses that are to blame. But who? The ones who read this crap? Or the ones who are stupid enough to sell Britney’s hair on ebay and call it a ‘piece of history’? Or the ones who actually buy the hair?

Or maybe it s just me. It's definitely me.