Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Random Guy

Have you noticed, there are some people who just don't make sense when they speak? It's as if they randomly collect a bunch of words from their vocabulary, bundle them together, throw them at you, and then leave it to you to make sense of it. Invariably and unfortunately these folks just love to talk - which makes it a dangerous combination. A lot of times these people come across as 'deep' or 'profound' (at least initially) because we end up thinking, "Maybe. there is something I am not understanding... they obviously can't be that stupid" or "There is definitely more to this guy than meets the eye. Hmm interesting... "
I have a colleague who fits the description. Let's call him "random guy" - because he is random.
A random conversation with random guy:
A: Speaking of music, I saw Beyonce Knowles at the all star game. She sang the national anthem... she is an amazing singer!
B: Amazing singer... She is awesome! Love her.
Random guy: yeah, like Serena Williams.
I can see the rest of the group racking their brains to figure out if this is 'profound' in any way or if they are missing something.
Finally and uncomfortably, A: Serena sings too?
B: You like Serena, like we like Beyonce?
A: You saw Serena at the all star?
Random guy: Beyonce looks exactly like Serena.
Silence. Rest of the group trying to spot similarities.. something they might have missed.
A: But, Beyonce is slim. Serena's a lot bigger...
Random guy: Right. Who is the slimmer of the Williams sisters?
B: Venus?
Random guys: She is exactly like Venus.
B (trying to make sense): You mean she is an achiever? Has a lot of fighting spirit?
Random guy: Beyonce looks exactly like Venus.
Me: Apart from the fact that they are females, I don't...
Random guy: Are you kidding me? Have you seen "Fight Club"?

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